I’m so pleased to hear so many of you getting out and enjoying the countryside and trying new things, pushing some boundaries and wading across rivers.
But what about motivating yourself to do some of the things you normally do in the gym that you know you should be doing? Its not easy.
Motivation comes from within yourself, and if you’re struggling to find it, you have to cultivate it. Motivation, as with a lot of things, starts small and grows, just like a plant. Feed it, water it, nurture it and it will grow into something wonderful.
I can’t tell you how to plant that seed, but I can tell you what I am doing to cultivate mine. I’ve struggled not having a gym to work out in – I’ve not felt I can do the same workouts at home as I did in the gym, so guess what? I didn’t do anything. Change of mindset time. This is what I am doing:
3 sets of press ups in the morning and three in the evening, and each evening I have to do one more on each set, then the next morning I do the same as the previous evening and follow the pattern. It looks like this:
Monday Morning 40/21/12
Evening 41/22/13
Tuesday Morning 41/22/13
Evening 42/23/14
Wednesday Morning 42/23/14
Its achievable, it has targets, it gives me a focus and its something that can build up.
So pick your exercise – great home exercises are things such as squats, lunges, press-ups, dips, kettlebell swings (if you have access to one) or planks, and if you need more specific help, email me and I’ll give you some suggestions.
Pick one thing and let it grow.