
Make a plan

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There are a number of reasons why you train better at the gym; more equipment, it’s social, you go for a purpose, the environment is motivating and most importantly you make time for it in your schedule. You plan your day, and part of that plan involves booking a time for a personal training session or […]


Doing an exercise, or DOING an exercise

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This conversation came up this week on two separate occasions and I thought it might make you think about the training you do, because it’s an important concept. There is a big difference between going through the motions or really thinking about the exercises you are doing and the muscles you should be working and actually […]


How to beat that urge…

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One of the more common problems I have had emails about, and have also suffered myself, is the urge to snack (the unhealthy kind of snacking). For me personally, snacking is a problem for two main reasons; not eating properly and boredom. Believe it or not, I haven’t been bored during this lockdown period (two […]


How to build your own endorphin boosting plan

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A workout that boosts one persons endorphin levels might not be quite so effective for you – it might be too hard, or not hard enough, it might not work on the things important to you or it might not fit with your schedule. So here are a few tips on building your own workout […]


Good Food is Good Mood

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‘Focus only on what you can control and don’t waste energy worrying about things that are outside your control’ One thing we can control at the moment is our diet. What we eat and drink has such a huge impact on not only our health, but our mental wellbeing – our feel good factor that […]


Mind Games

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The words from Dee Cafarri in yesterdays blog really got me thinking. One of the paragraphs that caught my was this; ‘Be grateful for the things in your life that you have or can do. Focussing on the good will have a positive effect on your mental health. When you are having a tough day […]



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A lovely gentleman called Tim, who some of you know from the gym, sent me some extracts on how to deal with isolation from someone who knows a little bit about it, and I thought I would share them with you. Dee Caffari has sailed around the world six times. She is the first woman […]



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As many of you will know, I have two children. Harry is 9 and Alfie is 7. Yesterday afternoon, I was going to paint my driveway gates and I didn’t. Instead I spent the afternoon with my boys in the garden.  Making dens, playing football, making home made slush puppies (crushed ice, clementine juice and […]